Nightmare Abbey by Thomas Love Peacock

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by Thomas Love Peacock

Gothic satire Comedy Romanticism vs. Enlightenment Satire on Gothic novels Critique of aristocracy Melancholy and despair vs. rationality

2 hours 17 minutes

Nightmare Abbey is a novel written by Thomas Love Peacock and first published in 1818. The text mocks the literary trends of the time.

Christopher Glowry is the owner of an ancient abbey where he offers his hospitality to visitors who hold endless and intense debates there. Among these guests are many famous people of Peackok's time, such as the writers Samuel Taylor Coleride and Lord Byron.

Meanwhile, Mr. Glowry's son isolates himself in a room reading philosophy and German tragedies. After a love affair that ended badly, he even considers committing suicide. However, he ends up being convinced to continue his father's misanthropy.

Through the use of satire and using comic language at times, this play criticizes the main works of British romanticism.


Ranking #32 of most downloaded books in Fiction Horror

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We recommend this book for

Fans of Gothic literature Readers interested in satire Students studying Romanticism Those appreciating British humor

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About Thomas Love Peacock

Thomas Love Peacock was an English novelist, poet, and official of the East India Company.

Peacock wrote several satirical novels with the ...

We have 2 books by Thomas Love Peacock in Alice and Books library

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