Poirot Investigates quotes
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Look after number one as the saying goes.
The wicked flourish like a green bay tree.
One must have consideration for those less gifted than oneself.
The important detail you appreciate him never.
Mon Dieu! It is that in this country you treat the affairs gastronomic with a criminal indifference.
Never will you trust your old friend.
I disdained to argue, and entrenched my curiosity behind a rampart of pretended indifference.
There are criminals in high places sometimes.
I, too, believe in the force of superstition, one of the greatest forces the world has ever known.
With method and logic one can accomplish anything!
You really have the best opinion of yourself of anyone I ever knew!’ I cried, divided between amusement and annoyance.
As I tell you, uncertainty breeds panic.
When one is unique one knows it.
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