The Cask of Amontillado quotes
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The thousand injuries of Fortunato I had borne as I best could, but when he ventured upon insult I vowed revenge.
I continued, as was my wont, to smile in his face, and he did not perceive that my smile now was at the thought of his immolation.
A million candles have burned themselves out. Still I read on.
A wrong is unredressed when retribution overtakes its redresser. It is equally unredressed when the avenger fails to make himself felt as such to him who has done the wrong.
Its walls had been lined with human remains, piled to the vault overhead, in the fashion of the great catacombs of Paris.
The thousand injuries of Fortunato I had borne as I best could; but when he ventured upon insult, I vowed revenge.
In painting and gemmary, Fortunato, like his countrymen, was a quack–but in the matter of old wines he was sincere.
A huge human foot d'or, in a field azure; the foot crushes a serpent rampant whose fangs are imbedded in the heel.
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