The best The Tenant of Wildfell Hall quotes


The Tenant of Wildfell Hall by Anne Brontë

The Tenant of Wildfell Hall quotes

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Because, I imagine there must be only a very, very few men in the world, that I should like to marry; and of those few, it is ten to one I may never be acquainted with one; or if I should, it is twenty to one, he may not happen to be single, or to take a fancy to me.


He never could have loved me, or he would not have resigned me so willingly.


Smiles and tears are so alike with me, they are neither of them confined to any particular feelings: I often cry when I am happy, and smile when I am sad.


My heart is too thoroughly dried to be broken in a hurry, and I mean to live as long as I can.


I have such confidence in him, aunt, notwithstanding all you say, that I would willingly risk my happiness for the chance of securing his. I will leave better men to those who only consider their own advantage. If he has done amiss, I shall consider my life well spent in saving him from the consequences of his early errors, and striving to recall him to the path of virtue—God grant me success!.


Two years hence you will be as calm as I am now—and far, far happier, I trust, for you are a man, and free to act as you please.


I see that a man cannot give himself up to drinking without being miserable one-half his days and mad the other.


You may think it all very fine, Mr. Huntingdon, to amuse yourself with rousing my jealousy; but take care you don't rouse my hate instead. And when you have once extinguished my love, you will find it no easy matter to kindle it again.


Although I maintain that if she were more perfect, she would be less interesting.


I would rather admire you from this distance, fair lady, than be the partner of your home.


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