Religious Historical Apocrypha Creation and the early world Genealogy Moral and ethical conduct Humanity's relationship with God
Sefer Ha-yashar, better known as the Book of Jasher, is a non-canonical religious text written between the 5th and 2nd centuries BC but first published in 1840 as a modern adaptation of these texts.
It discusses Old Testament characters such as Moses and Abraham, expanding on the biblical accounts of them and offering more details and different points of view on the events.
For some scholars, it is one of the lost books of the Bible, while others simply claim that it was written in the Middle Ages.
This edition of the Book of Jasher is based on an anonymous translation from 1840.
"And God said let us make man in our image, after our likeness, and God created man in his own image. And God formed man from the ground, and he blew into his nostrils the breath of life, and man became a living soul endowed with speech.
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Students of religious studies Readers interested in apocryphal texts Those exploring Judeo-Christian traditions
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