Self-help Philosophy Spirituality Inner peace Mindfulness Self-improvement Spiritual growth
From Passion to Peace is a book written by James Allen in 1910.
James Allen focuses in this short book on how to turn passion into knowledge, to move from passion to peace. Allen reflects on the moral forces that arise within people.
Passion leads us to a series of temptations that lead to pain and sadness, which we must transcend in order to achieve happiness.
For Allen, we cannot force others to change beyond influencing them, but what we can change is ourselves in order to have a purposeful life.
This edition of From Passion to Peace is based on Thomas Y. Crowell and Co, New York edition.
"The pathway of the saints and sages; the road of the wise and pure; the highway along which the Saviours have trod, and which all Saviours to come will also walk—such is the subject of this book; such is the high and holy theme which the author briefly expounds in these pages".
Ranking #34 of most downloaded books in Non-fiction Philosophy
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Individuals seeking personal growth Readers interested in philosophical thought People looking for guidance on achieving inner peace
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James Allen was a British philosophical writer known for his inspirational books and poetry and as a pioneer of the self-help movement. His best kn...
We have 6 books by James Allen in Alice and Books library