Philosophy Critique of morality Free spirit Individualism Cultural criticism
Human, all too human is a Philosophy work written by Friedrich Nietzsche and first published in 1908.
It is a collection of essays on topics as diverse as epistemology, religion, art, and morality. It reflects many of Nietzsche's ideas and his devastating critique of Western thought and culture, which he would develop in later works.
The philosopher analyzes the meaning behind every human interaction and puts humanity itself on trial. He also criticizes the contradictions of Christianity.
Although it is not as well known as other works, it is one of the most accessible readings of Nietzsche and ideal for an introduction to the German philosopher's thought. It is later than the first phase influenced by Schopenhauer's ideas, but before one of his greatest works: Thus Spake Zarathustra.
"It is often enough, and always with great surprise, intimated to me that there is something both ordinary and unusual in all my writings, from the "Birth of Tragedy" to the recently published "Prelude to a Philosophy of the Future": they all contain, I have been told, snares and nets for short sighted birds, and something that is almost a constant, subtle, incitement to an overturning of habitual opinions and of approved customs. What!? Everything is merely—human—all too human?"
This edition of Human, all too human is based on Alexander Harvey's translation.
Ranking #45 of most downloaded books in Non-fiction Philosophy
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Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche was a German philosopher, cultural critic, composer, poet, writer, and philologist whose work has exerted a profound influ...
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