Epic poetry Philosophical fiction Religious fiction Moral philosophy Christian theology Sin and redemption The afterlife Spiritual journey Divine justice
Purgatory and Paradise are the second and third parts respectively of the book The Divine Comedy written by Dante Alighieri and first published in 1321.
After surviving the depths of hell described in the first part of the Divine Comedy, Dante and Virgil reach the Mountain of Purgatory on the opposite side of the planet.
Purgatory, located between Hell and Paradise, is further divided into Antepurgatory, Purgatory and Paradise on Earth. In it are represented the seven deadly sins: pride, envy, anger, sloth, greed, gluttony, lust. As one ascends the mountain, Dante's path shows from the slightest sin to the most serious. During the ascent, Dante will meet the angelic custodians who atone for the sins and show the virtue opposite to the punished vice.
Therefore, Purgatory has the function of expiation, reflection and repentance of the sins committed that each soul performs in the journey of the ascent to the mountain to purify itself along the way and aspire to God's redemption.
For this digital edition of the book Purgatory and Paradise we have used the translation of Cary, Henry Francis. (1772-1844).
Ranking #36 of most downloaded books in Non-fiction Philosophy
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Dante Alighieri was an Italian poet whose Divine Comedy is widely considered the most important poem of the Middle Ages
We have 4 books by Dante Alighieri in Alice and Books library