The Scarlet Pimpernel by Baroness Orczy

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by Baroness Orczy

Adventure fiction Historical fiction Romance Identity and disguise Heroism Love and marriage Class and society Courage and sacrifice

7 hours 25 minutes

The Scarlet Pimpernel is a historical fiction novel written by Baroness Orczy and originally published in 1905.

Set during the French Revolution, it uncovers the story of a hero who recklessly defies the French revolutionaries and manages to save a multitude of people from the guillotine.

This hero, whose original name is Sir Percy Blakeney, is known as The Scarlet Pimpernel. However no one knows his real identity, in which he is a wealthy man. As The Scarlet Pimpernel, he is a skilled and brave swordsman.

However, there are several dangers that lie in wait for him, such as the new French envoy to England, Citizen Chauvelin, who will play the villain in this entertaining adventure novel where loyalty and heroism stand out.


Ranking #54 of most downloaded books in Fiction Historical

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Fans of historical romances Readers interested in the French Revolution Lovers of adventure and mystery

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About Baroness Orczy

Baroness Emma Orczy, full name: Emma Magdolna Rozália Mária Jozefa Borbála Orczy de Orci. She was usually known as Baroness Orczy, the name under w...

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