The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace Wattles

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by Wallace Wattles

Self-help Personal development Economic philosophy Wealth creation Personal success Law of Attraction Positive thinking

1 hour 59 minutes

The Science of Getting Rich is a book written by Wallace D. Wattles and first published in 1910.

The book explains how to deal with all kinds of mental, social or health conditions to, through creation and not competition, achieve and attract wealth, based on what the author called "the correct way of thinking." This way of thinking seeks to achieve a state of positivity and self-affirmation that attracts wealth.

Wallace Wattles added the word science to the book's title to reflect his New Thought membership.

This book is pragmatical, not philosophical; a practical manual, not a treatise upon theories. It is intended for the men and women whose most pressing need is for money; who wish to get rich first, and philosophize afterward. It is for those who have, so far, found neither the time, the means, nor the opportunity to go deeply into the study of metaphysics, but who want results and who are willing to take the conclusions of science as a basis for action, without going into all the processes by which those conclusions were reached.


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Entrepreneurs Self-help enthusiasts People interested in personal development Readers interested in economic philosophy

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About Wallace Wattles

Wallace Delois Wattles was an American New Thought writer. He remains personally somewhat obscure, but his writing has been widely quoted and rema...

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The best The Science of Getting Rich quotes

By thought, the thing you want is brought to you; by action you receive it.


If you want to help the poor, demonstrate to them that they can become rich; prove it by getting rich yourself.


There is never any hurry on the creative plane; and there is no lack of opportunity.


Do all the work you can do, every day, and do each piece of work in a perfectly successful manner; put the power of success, and the purpose to get rich, into everything that you do.


No man is kept poor because opportunity has been taken away from him.

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