The Sun Also Rises quotes
Discover the best quotes and phrases from the book The Sun Also Rises written by Ernest Hemingway.
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Isn't it pretty to think so.
He'll never be frightened. He knows too damn much.
I mistrust all frank and simple people, especially when their stories hold together.
Let no man be ashamed to kneel here in the great out-of-doors. Remember the woods were God’s first temples.
You can’t get away from yourself by moving from one place to another.
As I went downstairs I heard Bill singing, ‘Irony and Pity. When you’re feeling . . . Oh, Give them Irony and Give them Pity.
I looked at myself in the mirror of the big armoire beside the bed . . . Of all the ways to be wounded. I suppose it was funny.
This wine is too good for toast-drinking, my dear. You don't want to mix emotions up with a wine like that. You lose the taste.
You are all a lost generation.[with credit to Gertrude Stein]
You're an've lost touch with the get precious fake European standards have ruined you. You spend all your time talking, not working.
I stood up. I had heard them talking from a long way away. It all seemed like some bad play.
You ought to dream. All our biggest businessmen have been dreamers.
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