A Simple Soul by Gustave Flaubert

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by Gustave Flaubert

Literary Fiction Devotion Simple Life Spirituality Loneliness Unrequited Love

1 hour 1 minutes

A Simple Soul, also known as A Simple Heart is a short story written by Gustave Falubert and published in 1877.

Set in Flaubert's own time, it chronicles the life of a humble servant in rural Normandy in the 19th century. It is related to another work by the author, Madame Bovary.

Said servant is called Félicité and she is happy despite her humble life and the fact that her loving deliveries have not been reciprocated.

The story reflects the bourgeois class where Félicité works, which despite not having a very good economic situation, have a servant who is not treated very well.

They ignore the maid's feelings and only consider her useful for housework. Despite this, she Félicité overcomes everything and continues with her life despite all the sadness that surrounds her.


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Readers of Classic Literature Students of French Literature Explorers of Human Nature Fans of Character-Driven Narratives

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About Gustave Flaubert

Flaubert was a French novelist. Highly influential, he has been considered the leading exponent of literary realism in his country.He is known espe...

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