Across Mongolian Plains is a travel literature work written by Roy Chapman Andrews and first published in 1921.
This work chronicles Roy Chapman Andrews' expeditions to the Gobi Desert in Mongolia in the 1920s.
The work describes the adventures and challenges faced by Andrews and his team as they searched for dinosaur fossils and other scientific discoveries.
Through these descriptions, Andrews shares details about life in the desert, interactions with local communities, and the important paleontological finds they made, including the first dinosaur nest with fossilized eggs.
The book is a fascinating combination of exploration, science, and culture.
"Careering madly in a motor car behind a herd of antelope fleeing like wind-blown ribbons across a desert which isn't a desert, past caravans of camels led by picturesque Mongol horsemen, the Twentieth Century suddenly and violently interjected into the Middle Ages, should be contrast and paradox enough for even the most blase sportsman. I am a naturalist who has wandered into many of the far corners of the earth. I have seen strange men and things, but what I saw on the great Mongolian plateau fairly took my breath away and left me dazed, utterly unable to adjust my mental perspective."
Ranking #7 of most downloaded books in Non-fiction Travel
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Across Mongolian Plains by Roy Chapman Andrews is believed to be out of copyright restrictions only in the United States. It may still be copyrighted in other countries. If you are not located in the United States, you must check your local laws to make sure that the contents of this eBook are free from copyright restrictions in the country where you are located in before downloading Across Mongolian Plains in PDF or ePub.
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Roy Chapman Andrews was an American explorer, naturalist, and paleontologist known for his expeditions to the Gob...
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