Literature Psychological novel Victorian Marriage Jealousy Trust Women's Rights Madness Society
He knew He was right is a historical novel written by Anthony Trollope in 1869.
"When Louis Trevelyan was twenty-four years old, he had all the world before him where to choose; and, among other things, he chose to go to the Mandarin Islands, and there fell in love with Emily Rowley, the daughter of Sir Marmaduke, the governor."
This book is illustrated with original drawings.
Ranking #111 of most downloaded books in Fiction Historical
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He knew He was right by Anthony Trollope is believed to be out of copyright restrictions only in the United States. It may still be copyrighted in other countries. If you are not located in the United States, you must check your local laws to make sure that the contents of this eBook are free from copyright restrictions in the country where you are located in before downloading He knew He was right in PDF or ePub.
We recommend this book for
Readers interested in Victorian literature Fans of psychological drama Those exploring themes of marriage and trust Readers interested in gender roles and societal expectations
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Anthony Trollope was an English novelist and civil servant of the Victorian era. He wrote novels on political, social, and gender issues, and other to...
We have 11 books by Anthony Trollope in Alice and Books library