King Solomon's Mines by H. Rider Haggard

King Solomon's Mines Book download in PDF, ePub & Mobi

by H. Rider Haggard

6 hours 52 minutes

King Solomon's Mines is a novel written by H. Rider Haggard and first published in 1885.

The work tells the adventure of Allan Quatermain, a British hunter and explorer who, with a group of companions, embarks on a dangerous expedition to Africa in search of the legendary Mines of King Solomon.

These mines, according to legend, are filled with untold riches. On their journey, the adventurers face unknown territory, natural dangers, hostile tribes and treachery as they explore dense jungles and unexplored mountains.

The story combines adventure, mystery and lost treasures in an exotic and dangerous setting.

"It is a curious thing that at my age—fifty-five last birthday—I should find myself taking up a pen to try to write a history. I wonder what sort of a history it will be when I have finished it, if ever I come to the end of the trip! I have done a good many things in my life, which seems a long one to me, owing to my having begun work so young, perhaps. At an age when other boys are at school I was earning my living as a trader in the old Colony. "


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About H. Rider Haggard

Sir Henry Rider Haggard was an English writer of adventure fiction set in exotic locations, predominantly Africa, and a pioneer of the lost world lite...

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