Philosophy Rhetoric Argumentation Debate Tactics Intellectual Dishonesty
The Art of Being Right is a treatise written by Arthur Schopenhauer in 1831 and first published in 1864.
In this posthumous work by Arthur Schopenhauer, published from an unfinished treatise, the art of dialectics is explored by offering a series of strategies for winning arguments.
Schopenhauer presents 38 stratagems in which he demonstrates that it is possible to manipulate discourse to impose one's own point of view, regardless of whether the premise involved is true or false. Although considered unethical, Schopenhauer demonstrates the effectiveness of these strategies through examples and analysis.
On the one hand, we are presented with a practical guide to argumentation, but it can also be read or interpreted as a scathing critique of the techniques commonly employed in rhetoric and debate.
"The Extension. — This consists in carrying your opponent's proposition be- yond its natural limits; in giving it as general a signification and as wide a sense as possible, so as to exaggerate it"
Ranking #56 of most downloaded books in Non-fiction Philosophy
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Philosophers Debaters Students of Rhetoric
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Arthur Schopenhauer was a German philosopher born in Danzig, Prussia (now Gdansk, Poland). His philosophical work had a strong inf...
We have 4 books by Arthur Schopenhauer in Alice and Books library