The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas (père)

The Count of Monte Cristo Book download in PDF, ePub & Mobi

by Alexandre Dumas (père)

Adventure Historical Fiction Drama Revenge Justice Betrayal Forgiveness Hope

38 hours 44 minutes

The Count of Monte Cristo is an adventure novel written by Alexandre Dumas (pére) and first published in 1844. It is considered one of the masterpieces of French literature.

The novel tells the story of Edmond Dantès, a young sailor born in the city of Marseilles, who is unjustly imprisoned shortly before his wedding.

Dantès spends fourteen years in prison, during which time he forms a great friendship with Abbé Faria, who reveals to him the location of a treasure hidden on the island of Montecristo. After escaping from prison and finding the treasure, Dantès assumes the identity of the "Count of Monte Cristo".

With his new secret identity and great economic resources, Dantès will plot revenge against all those who conspired for his unjust imprisonment. However, his actions will not only affect the guilty, but will also cause collateral damage and lead him to question the morality of his mission...

We are therefore faced with a profound work that shows how revenge can change a person. It has a series of very interesting and memorable characters and is one of the most loved and read novels in the world.

"On the 24th of February, 1815, the look-out at Notre-Dame de la Garde signalled the three-master, the Pharaon from Smyrna, Trieste, and Naples. As usual, a pilot put off immediately, and rounding the Château d’If, got on board the vessel between Cape Morgiou and Rion island..."


Ranking #3 of most downloaded books in Fiction Historical

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We recommend this book for

Fans of classic literature Readers who enjoy intricate plots Lovers of adventure stories People interested in themes of justice and vengeance

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About Alexandre Dumas (père)

Alexandre Dumas also known as Alexandre Dumas père (where père is French for 'father', thus 'the elder/senior'), was a French writer. His works have...

We have 9 books by Alexandre Dumas (père) in Alice and Books library

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