The Custom of the Country by Edith Wharton

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by Edith Wharton

Novel Social satire Social climbing Marriage and divorce Consumerism American dream

11 hours 36 minutes

The Custom of the Country is a novel written by Edith Wharton and first published in 1913.

The novel reflects how the pursuit of wealth and climbing the social ladder is a constant human ambition that never grows old. Edith Warton explores the theme in this novel by introducing an anti-heroine named Undine Sprag who is vile, but at the same time, irresistible.

Undine Spragg is glamorous, selfish and manipulative. She uses her beauty and cunning to try to get an advantageous marriage and tries to accomplish her goals in a world where it is very easy and quick to go from triumph to disappointment.

The book describes the attractions and dangers of materialism in New York at a time when fashionable people lived in hotels. The plot shows the follies of the modern upper class and their social behavior.

It is considered by many critics as Edith Wharton's masterpiece.

Undine Spragg es glamurosa, egoísta y manipuladora. Utiliza su belleza y astucia para intentar conseguir un matrimonio ventajoso e intenta cumplir sus objetivos en un mundo en el que es muy fácil y rápido pasar del triunfo a la desilusión. La anatomía satírica de la sociedad estadounidense de la primera década del siglo XX de Edith Wharton apareció en 1913; horrorizó y fascinó a sus primeros críticos, y la consagró como una novelista importante. The Saturday Review escribió que había "reunido a tanta gente detestable


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We recommend this book for

Readers interested in social satires Fans of Edith Wharton and her critique of upper-class society Those fascinated with early 20th-century American and European societal norms

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About Edith Wharton

She was an American novelist, short story writer, and designer and she became, for her novel The Age of Innocence, the first woman to win the Pulit...

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