The Loom of Destiny by Arthur Stringer

The Loom of Destiny Book download in PDF, ePub & Mobi

by Arthur Stringer

Fiction Fate Choice and Consequence Human Condition

2 hours 38 minutes

The Loom of Destiny is a book of short stories written by Arthur Stringer, in 1899.

Arthur Stringer has a keen understanding of human behavior, using a somewhat instructive and preachy tone in this collection of stories.

The book contains the following short stories:

  • The Undoing of Dinney Crockett
  • The Fly in the Ointment
  • The Iron Age
  • The King who lost his Crown
  • Life's Loaded Die
  • The Crucible of Character
  • The Essentials of Aristocracy
  • The Honour of the House of Hummerley
  • Thicker than Water
  • Instruments of Eros
  • An Essay in Equality
  • The Heart's Desire
  • Not in Utter Nakedness

"On the ragged skirts of the great city, where a steady stream of lorries and electric cars rumble over the Canal Bridge, stand twenty high-fenced, grimy acres of coal heaps. All day long, year in and year out, the blackened and lumbering coal-carts ply back and forth between those high-fenced acres of bituminous blackness and the switching yard of the railway, stopping only at the weigh scales as they go".


Ranking #39 of most downloaded books in Fiction Short Stories

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About Arthur Stringer

Arthur Stringer was a Canadian novelist, screenwriter, and poet who later moved to the United States. He published 45 works of fiction and 15 othe...

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