The Prisoner of Zenda by Anthony Hope

The Prisoner of Zenda Book download in PDF, ePub & Mobi

by Anthony Hope

4 hours 37 minutes

The Prisoner of Zenda is a novel written by Anthony Hope and first published in 1894.

""I wonder when in the world you're going to do anything, Rudolf?" said my brother's wife. "My dear Rose," I answered, laying down my egg-spoon, "why in the world should I do anything? My position is a comfortable one. I have an income nearly sufficient for my wants (no one's income is ever quite sufficient, you know). I enjoy an enviable social position: I am brother to Lord Burlesdon, and brother-in-law to that most charming lady his countess. Behold, it is enough!""


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About Anthony Hope

Sir Anthony Hope Hawkins, better known as Anthony Hope (9 February 1863 – 8 July 1933), was a British novelist and playwright.

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