Historical Fiction Domestic Fiction Industrialization Social Change Pride Fall from Grace Family Dynamics
The Growth Trilogy, Volume 2
"Major Amberson had “made a fortune” in 1873, when other people were losing fortunes, and the magnificence of the Ambersons began then. Magnificence, like the size of a fortune, is always comparative, as even Magnificent Lorenzo may now perceive, if he has happened to haunt New York in 1916; and the Ambersons were magnificent in their day and place.
Their splendour lasted throughout all the years that saw their Midland town spread and darken into a city, but reached its topmost during the period when every prosperous family with children kept a Newfoundland dog..."
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Newton Booth Tarkington was an American novelist and dramatist. He is one of only four novelists to win the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction more than on...
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