Mythology Folklore Adventure Heroism Strength Redemption Struggle against fate
The Twelve Labours of Hercules, Son of Jupiter and Alcmena is a poetry first published in 1808.
"To crown his deeds, so wondrous & so great,
Upon his shoulders vast Olympus' weight
He bore, while Atlas did the apples bring,
Which bridal Juno gave to Heaven's dread King.
And now the dragon guarded apples won,
The Godlike Hero, saw his Labours done
Ranking #38 of most downloaded books in Fiction Poetry
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The Twelve Labours of Hercules, Son of Jupiter and Alcmena by Unknown is believed to be out of copyright restrictions only in the United States. It may still be copyrighted in other countries. If you are not located in the United States, you must check your local laws to make sure that the contents of this eBook are free from copyright restrictions in the country where you are located in before downloading The Twelve Labours of Hercules, Son of Jupiter and Alcmena in PDF or ePub.
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