Poetry Nature Democracy Individualism Body and Soul Death and Immortality
Leaves of Grass is a book of poems written by Walt Whitman and published in 1855. It is the fundamental work to know Walt Whitman.
The book is an ode to the people and their quest for individuality and immortality. It is also an ode to nature and its relationship to America, celebrating his country and all that is good and beautiful in it.
The poems are connected to each other, all sharing Whitman's philosophy of life and his celebration of humanity. Unlike other poets of the time, Walt Whitman exalted the material world and the human body, nature and man's role in it.
This approach does not cause him to diminish the role of the mind or the spirit, but rather he considers both worthy of great poetic praise.
In each poem Whitman, in a very loose and free way, portrays the magnitude of nature and the greatness of man in the kindest and most beautiful words.
Ranking #33 of most downloaded books in Fiction Poetry
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Poetry lovers Readers interested in American literature Those exploring themes of democracy and individuality
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Walt Whitman was an American poet, essayist, and journalist. A humanist, he was a part of the transition between transcendentalism and realism, incorp...
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