Beowulf by Unknown

Beowulf Book download in PDF, ePub & Mobi

by Unknown

Epic Poetry Heroism Good vs. Evil The Importance of Establishing Identity The Role of Fate The Value of Rewards and Treasures

3 hours 36 minutes
Old English

Beowulf is an epic poem of unknown authorship, dating back to around 900 AD.

The poem chronicles the heroic deeds of Beowulf, a warrior who battles the monster Grendel, its mother, and a dragon.

Throughout the narrative, Beowulf's strength and courage earn him the respect and loyalty of those around him.

The poem delves into themes such as fate, heroism, and the conflict between good and evil, providing a crucial insight into the culture and values of Anglo-Saxon society during the Middle Ages.

"The famous race of Spear-Danes.
Lo! the Spear-Danesโ€™ glory through splendid achievements
The folk-kingsโ€™ former fame we have heard of,
How princes displayed then their prowess-in-battle.
Scyld, their mighty king, in honor of whom they are often called Scyldings."


Ranking #10 of most downloaded books in Fiction Poetry

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Students of literature Fans of epic tales Readers interested in Anglo-Saxon history Mythology enthusiasts

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