Drama Tragedy Greek Tragedy Fate vs. Free Will Blindness and Sight Truth Guilt and Shame The Nature of Leadership and Governance
Oedipus The King, also known as Oedipus Rex or Oedipus Tyrannus is a Greek tragedy written by Sophocles that was first performed around 429 BC.
Considered the main work of Sophocles, it is one of the most important dramas in the history of Western literature.
The book is based on the Greek myth of Oedipus, king of the city of Thebes, who is in love with his mother and decides to kill his father to father children with her.
The city of Thebes, ruled by Oedipus, has received a divine curse. To try to eliminate her, Oedipus goes to the oracle of Delphi and he demands the condemnation of the murderer of the former king, before which Oedipus initiates an investigation.
The tragedy shows us the constancy of Oedipus in finding the truth, despite the fact that it may lead to harmful events for him as a person and as a King.
This tragedy by Sophocles has stirred emotions for centuries and is still performed today.
Gilbert Murray's translation has been used for this digital edition of the book Oedipus The King
Ranking #2 of most downloaded books in Fiction Plays
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We recommend this book for
Students of literature Lovers of ancient dramas Scholars of Greek mythology Readers interested in stories about fate and prophecy
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Sophocles was an ancient Greek tragedians. He wrote over 120 plays, but only seven have survived in a complete form. For almost fifty years, Sophocles...
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